We're aware lots of you can't travel during this time. Our live events are still getting booked out months in advance, but we feel it's unfair that you lose the opportunity to join us and evolve, simply because of logistical issues. It's 2021, surely we can find some innovative ways to bring you aboard?
That said, I am happy to announce that 5-Day Virtual Residential experience. You will join students that are in our event location, as well as other virtual students.
You will be getting 5-Days of true and true Residential experience. Yes, you won't get to come to the infields, but you will be able to join the seminars and debriefs, and you'll be given homework and missions. You will be treated like any other students. We will go through your material, delivery, and will track your progress over the event.
The price of the Virtual Residential is obviously heavily heavily discounted. If you have been unable to afford the high ticket price of an in-person Bootcamp, here's your chance to join us and evolve with us!
For a list of topics and skills you'll be learning during the Residential, click here
Refer a friend to join the bootcamp and receive extra 25% discount for both.