What is a Residential?
The Beckster's Residential is a 5 day, 50+ hour intensive attraction acceleration package which will provide you with theoretical and practical training in the areas of dating, attraction and seduction.
You will receive the tips, advice, tweaks, skills, tools and techniques that will enable you to become your most social, confident, attractive and seductive self.
Furthermore, we will do all this not through superficial means but through the enhancement of that which you already have – even if don’t realise what it is that you actually do have.

How is our Residential structured?
We teach the Lifestyle Residential over a 50 hour, five day continuous or non-continuous period with each day being split between day time and night time attraction training. These aspects are then further divided into theoretical and in-field sessions with the majority of your training taking place in the walkways, coffee houses, shopping malls, museums, galleries, bars and nightclubs.
During the course you will still receive the same foundation information as on the Bootcamp, which if practiced is all you need to interact with and spark attraction with those who you desire. But in addition, the extra hours give you much more practice time with your professional instructors and coaches on-hand. Their continuous real-world feedback will help you to easily get over any new sticking points and to quickly perfect those newly learned skills of yours.
Who is this Residential for?
Other companies teach seduction through manipulation, but being manipulative doesn’t make you a seductive person. We believe that to truly become a seductive person you must become an all round sociable, confident and attractive man or woman. Our Lifestyle Residential, therefore, is aimed at men and women who would like to improve the way in which they feel about themselves and the way in which they interact with the world at large (but especially with the opposite sex).
To this end, we also totally understand that you may all come to us with different end goals, some of which may even transcend the art of seduction, and so with this fact in mind the individual advice we give and the path we guide you along is always very much catered towards the fulfilment of your individual wants and desires be they social or sexual.

More specifically, The Lifestyle Residential package is for those of you who are looking for the deeper and faster change that the longer and more immersive training will enable. Those who are willing to invest their time and money into one intensive week that can totally change their way of life.
During the course you will still receive the same foundation information as on the Lifestyle Bootcamp, which if practiced is all you need to interact with and spark attraction with those who you desire. But in addition, the extra hours (53 of them), gives you much more practice time with your professional instructors and coaches on-hand. Their continuous real-world feedback will help you to easily get over any new sticking points and to quickly perfect those newly learned skills of yours.
What will I learn from the Residential
Attraction formulas and methods
The Beckstergram
Beckster’s Capture / Bond / Sex method
Beckster’s Capture / Re-capture method
Beckster’s Start – Stop – Continue method
Cheeky Chappy not Cocky Funny
Beckster’s A-Z of attraction
Psychological personality profiling
Inner game training
Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) advice from trainers as trained by its co-creator
How to deal with limiting beliefs and false beliefs in general
How to deal with your personal inner demons
How to build your confidence and self esteem effectively
How to expand your comfort zones etc...etc..
Outer game training
Body language, Fashion (all with Candice), Eye contact, Touch (kino)
Voice tonality, Verbal communication skills, Daygame / Streetgame specific training, Nightgame specific training, Dance game (all with Candice), The after party, Text and phone game, Advanced seduction methods, Dating.

Working with Candy is a real pleasure. She seems to fully understand my specific needs and has an ability to address them in a systematic manner. Sometimes I wish she was less of a perfectionist. But each time she falls for something, I know for sure that this is the best I can get. As a result I instantly began to feel more confident and the opposite sex seems to be checking out my new appearance on daily basis.

Beckster told me what was probably the best technique i heard all weekend.. about how to enter a group of dancing girls and isolate right off the bat… simple but effective… i tried it later in the night and it worked like a charm

Jermy Soul
I am in no way trying to suck Beckster’s #### here, but the guy is an inspiration to me and has been since I first met him back in March or so. There’s something about him that’s really unique, it’s hard to put into words. He is so positive, but not in a way that shoves it in your face and says, “hey man, you have to be positive! that’s why your game sucks, because you’re not positive!” If he tells you to do something,